80 Acres For Sale by Auction in Centerville, Iowa
AUCTION - Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 10 a.m. in Centerville, IA 80 acres, m/l, with 52.9 acres FSA cropland. All 52.9 acres are enrolled in a CRP contract. CSR2 on the 52.9 acres is 48.5 (CSR 42.7). CRP contract on the 52.9 acres pays $8,877 annually and expires 9/30/21. Farm has a nice mixture of CRP and timber.
For more information go to http://www.landbluebook.com/ViewLandDetails.aspx?txtLandId1=b251365b-6c2d-4bed-8ada-a077f8a31d27#.VKGhTf8J4k