Auction Listings at LandBlueBook
The LandBlueBook Team is always working to provide you with the most productive and easy to use land buying and selling website. Our goal is to create the largest, most comprehensive database of land listings all over the world, and thanks to all of our users, we are accomplishing this at an outstanding rate.
LandBlueBook has always considered auction listings to be very important to the real estate market, and since 2003 we have had over 300,000 Acres of land posted as auction listings in 37 States. Below you will see a breakdown of the 13 Land uses that have been posted for auction on our website. As you can see most of the listings that are posted for auction are for Multifamily, Ranch, Farm, and Commercial use.

Below you will find two of our most recent Auction Listings:
Hillsborough County, FL, 25.35 Acres, For Commercial Use
Fredericksburg County, VA, 0.25 Acres, For Commercial Use
We would like to remind you that at this moment we are having a promotion in which if you join or renew your membership with LandBlueBook we will advertise your website for two weeks as a Banner Ad on our Homepage and as a “Featured Web Link” on the USA Homepage. If you do not own a website we will advertise one of your listings for two weeks under the “Featured Listings” section. We will also advertise your listings on this section for one week if you use our $10 Listing feature. In order for your listing to be eligible, it must have a picture.