115 Acres in Virginia Sold at Absolute Auction

Only minutes from Route 29 and the historic Town of Madison, Virginia and a short 30 minute drive from Charlottesville or Culpepper. Also,within a 1½ hour driving time to Northern Virginia and Washington, DC. This is an exceptional property offering a one of a kind contemporary home carefully sited with expansive views of the Blue Ridge Mountains to the west, as well as beautifully landscaped surroundings which blend softly into the rural landscape. There are secluded home sites with the feel of the deep woods hidden in the mature hardwood forest of majestic tulip poplar and mighty oaks. Tract 1 has the house and 6.5 acres. Tract 2 has 38 acres with pasture land, mountain woodland and a stream flowing through it. Tract 3 has 71 acres and is mostly wooded and this tract sells with an additional development right and a second approved VDOT entrance on Thoroughfare Road. Tracts 2 and 3 sell ABSOLUTE!
This property was reported sold by Charles Wade, Woltz & Associates, Inc. on 1/5/2011