352 Acres Sold at Absolute Auction in Nunnelly, Tennessee

Absolute Auction - Three Springs Youth Camp - 352± Acres • Sold in 9 Tracts • Along with all camp improvements and contents of building. Preview Dates: Meet auction staff at main campus on Fridays, June 10, 17, and 24 from 3pm to 7pm and Saturdays, June 11 and 18 from 10am to 2pm. The Three Springs Youth Camp is located along the banks of the Duck River, only an hour west of Nashville and minutes off of Interstate 40 at exit 152. This is a one of a kind property, well suited for a church camp, hunting retreat, conference center, or family compound. The main camp facility is located on Tract 2 and includes an administration building, cafeteria with fully equipped commercial kitchen, school and library building, gymnasium, office building and shop. All contents of buildings including office furniture, equipment and supplies sell with buildings. Other outstanding features of this property include: Five tracts with river frontage Paved road frontage Public water availability Bold spring Wooded tracts Open pastureland Six primitive camp site facilities Cottage facility ALL PROPERTY SELLS ABSOLUTE, REGARDLESS OF PRICE! Go to the Woltz website for details of each tract, more photos and complete terms & conditions of the auction. Auction is on site at Noon, Sat. June 25, 2011.
This property was reported sold by Charles Wade, Woltz & Associates, Inc. on 6/27/2011