222.76 Acres For Sale in Kewanee, Illinois
Kewanee, Illinois
AUCTION - Friday, March 29, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. in Kewanee, Illinois
Three parcels to be offered(see brochure):
Parcel 1 - 60 acres, m/l, with 60 crop acres and P.I. of 134.4
Parcel 2 - 124.76 acres, m/l, with 121.4 crop acres, including 27.2 acres in CRP. P.I. of 135.3. 2.6 acre CRP contract expires 9/30/13, and 24.6 acre CRP contract expires 9/30/20.
Parcel 3 - 38 acres, m/l, with 28.1 crop acres, including 25.5 in CRP with P.I. of 119.8 CRP contract expires 9/30/20.
For more information go to http://www.landbluebook.com/ViewLandDetails.aspx?txtLandId1=d1c1e24b-90ed-4936-b1e4-600e7d43a6c0#.UTZL7Tcp8io