203 Acres for Home Site Use Sold at Absolute Auction

ABSOLUTE AUCTION: High Knob is a mountain summit with a peak elevation of 2,382 feet. The property is offered in 3 parcels. This unique property is located less than two miles from the Virginia Tech campus. The house was built in the early 1960’s by the late Adger S. Johnson and his wife as a retreat from New York City. 4,800± SF custom designed contemporary house, four bedrooms, five full baths, breathtaking views of the Ellett Valley and beyond, swimming pool and pool house. Property is selling at Absolute Auction on Oct. 9, 2009 at The Inn at Virginia Tech. Go to the auctioneer''s web site for complete terms & conditions of this auction.
This property was reported sold by Deal Thompkins, Woltz & Associates, Inc. on 10/12/09