274 Acres Sold at Auction in Buena Vista, Colorado

Absolute Auction - Cottonwood Meadows: 274 Acres Offered in Parcels with Water Rights offered separately. This is beautiful land fronting on Cottonwood Creek with spectacular views of the Collegiate Peaks and surrounding Rocky Mountains. The property is ideally suited for residential development. Town water and sewer are available. Auction will be held at the Orpheum Threatre, 411 East Main St., Buena Vista, CO 81211. Auction is Sept. 30 at 4:00 PM. Go to the Woltz website for property details, more photos and complete terms & conditions of the auction. Go to: www.woltz.com/743/
This property was reported sold by Russell Seneff, Woltz & Associates, Inc. on 10/10/2011