78 Acres for Farm Use Sold at Auction

78 Acre Land Auction on January 15,2010 @ 10 AM to be sold in one tract. Sale held at 106 SW 3rd Ave., Aledo, Illinois. The VFW Building. The farm is located 5 miles south of Aledo Illinois on RT# 94, then one mile west. This tract of land lies level to very gently rolling. Farm has prime soils of Muscatune, Osco, and Seaton silt loams.For maps and more info go to www.relanderauctions.com
This property was reported sold by Steve Relander , Steve Relander Farm Broker/Auctioneer on 1/27/2010
This property was reported sold by Steve Relander , Steve Relander Farm Broker/Auctioneer on 1/27/2010