0.35 Acres Sold at Absolute Auction in Virginia

Three extremely desirable building lots in the Bradford Court Subdivision SELL ABSOLUTE. These residential building lots are in a well established subdivision in a great neighborhood convenient to downtown Salem, Roanoke College and Interstate 81. These lots will sell absolute to the highest bidder, so don't miss this unique opportunity. Tract 6 SELLS ABSOLUTE 400 Prytle Avenue, Salem; an approximately 0.17 acre lot. Lot is accessed from 12 alley off of Vine Street. Auction is on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 5:00 PM. Auction Held at Quality Inn, 179 Sheraton Drive, Salem, VA 24153. Preview Dates: Meet auction staff on site at home (4800 West Main, Salem) on Tract 1 of Roanoke County property, Sundays, April 3 and April 10 from 1 PM until 4 PM, Saturday, April 16 from 10 AM until 12 Noon, or view anytime at your leisure.
This property was reported sold by Charles Wade, Woltz & Associates, Inc. on 4/26/2011