320 Acres For Sale by Auction in Swea City, Iowa
AUCTION - Friday, September 5, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in Swea City, IA
320 acres, m/l, will be offered in 2 parcels via the Choice with Privilege Method.
Parcel 1 - 160 acres, m/l, with 153 est. crop acres and CSR2 of 78.3 (CSR 68.9). Parcel includes a wire corn crib.
Parcel 2 - 160 acres, m/l, with 156 est. crop acres and CSR2 of 76.9 (CSR 67.0).
For more information go to http://www.landbluebook.com/ViewLandDetails.aspx?txtLandId1=736282ee-fdf0-43bd-bf29-b560dcb9dfc7#.U-zaa6Oj-O4
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