1,610 Acres Sold at Auction in Florida

DATE & TIME: Saturday, June 12th @ 10 a.m.
TITLE: Florida Land Auctions Lafayette County Florida Real Estate Auctions: 1610 +/- Ac
ADDRESS: Day, Lafayette Co FL
Florida Land Auctions: Over 6970 acres in 4 Counties in Florida and One County in Georgia will be sold at Auction beginning June 5th and United Country Certified Real Estate will be selling land until June 19th in Marion, Lafayette, Gadsden and Sumter Counties, Florida and 312 acres in Brooks County, Georgia. These Florida Land Auctions will be selling onsite and the Certified Auctioneers will be taking bids online at every Auction. Over 6970 acres will be offered divided high bidders choice and the bidding is open to the public with registration. All interested buyers can register online at CertifiedLandAuction.com, go to online bidding and click REGISTRATION, you will receive a bid number by email or CALL the AUCTIONEERS at 1-800-711-9175 for all the details. Florida Land Auctions in Marion County, two tracts almost 2700 acres, Sumter County platted property that consists of over 1050 acres, Lafayette County Recreational and hunting with 5 tracts and 1610 acres, Gadsden County two Plantation Style Farms, Saranac Farms 444 acres and River Oak Plantation 823 Acres and312 acres in Brooks County, Georgia. Land Auction Events in Florida and Georgia. Name your price at these Land Auctions, get all the details online at www.CertifiedLandAuction.com. AU-C002792-AB2845, AU-3993-AU2726
This property was reported sold by Myers Jackson, United Country Certified Real Estate on 6/28/2010
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