302 Acres for Recreational Use Sold in South Carolina

This property is located just 5.5 miles east of Woodruff, SC, just 15 miles from downtown Spartanburg, and just 21 miles from downtown Greenville. The area surrounding the property is a mixture of agricultural land, timberland, and home sites with acreage. The property has approximately 10,750 feet of frontage on the South Tyger River and approximately 3,900 feet of frontage on the North Tyger River. The topography of the land is rolling to moderately steep. The majority of the property consists of intensively managed loblolly pine plantations. Of the total 302 acres, 196 acres are in planted pine, with the balance in hardwood forests. These hardwood stands are located on the drains and adjacent to the rivers. This property provides a lush environment for wildlife of all kinds through the amount of river frontage, thick hardwoods and pines, and the multiple food plots on the property. The property can be sub divided; however, the price may be adjusted with dividing.
This property was reported sold by Jason Burbage, Carolina Land Realty on 9/27/10
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