4,466 Acres in West Virginia Sold at Auction

Auction on Saturday, Nov. 14 at 11:00 AM at the Tamarack Conference Center (address of this listing). Timber • Recreation • Investment • Hunting • Development- Tract sizes from 10 acres to 797 acres in Fayette County, Raleigh County and Greenbrier County.
• Over 10 Million Board Feet of Hardwood Sawtimber
• Tracts Bordering New River Gorge National River
• Great Location near I-77 & I-64 Corridor
Inspection Dates:
Friday, October 30th, 3:00 - 6:00 PM; Saturday, October 31st, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Friday, November 6th, 3:00 - 6:00 PM; Saturday, November 7th, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM; Friday, November 13th, 3:00 - 6:00 PM
Sale and Inspections held at The Tamarack Conference Center • Beckley, West Virginia • I-77, Exit 45
Go to the Woltz website for detailed information on all tracts, photos, topo maps, aerial photos and complete terms & conditions of the auction. Go to www.woltz.com/668/
This property was reported sold by Charles Wade, Woltz & Associates, Inc. on 11/16/09
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