FREE Advertisement with every $10 Listing!
As a way of thanking you for trusting us with your land listings, we have decided to offer once again one week of FREE Advertisement with every $10 Listing. Our $10 listing feature allows our users to post a single listing with up to 6 pictures; the listing will stay on our database for a duration of 3 months, and now it will also be placed on LandBlueBook's homepage for one week. To use this feature you just need to open a Free Account with us and then go to the “List” link under “Land for Sale.”

Keep in mind that you will only be able to benefit from the Free Advertisement promotion if your $10 listing has a picture associated with it. This great promotion will end on September 30th, so we encourage you to post your $10 land listings today and see for yourself how can help you sell your property!
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